80 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game. |
78 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Lori Cramer has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts. |
76 | Substitution on | Mio Nishimura comes on. |
76 | Substitution off | Kyoko Hosokawa comes off. |
75 | Substitution on | Kotono Yasuo comes on. |
75 | Substitution off | Moe Tsukui comes off. |
74 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Georgina Friedrichs took full advantage. |
72 | Substitution on | Japan Women decide to make a substitution, with Yuki Ito getting some game time. |
72 | Substitution off | Japan Women decide to make a substitution, with Rinka Matsuda being replaced. |
65 | Substitution on | Japan Women make a substitution with Misaki Suzuki coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Japan Women make a substitution with Otoka Yoshimura coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Australia Women make a substitution with Piper Duck coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Australia Women make a substitution with Emily Chancellor coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Australia Women make a substitution with Sera Naiqama coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Australia Women make a substitution with Kaitlan Leaney coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Australia Women make a substitution with Jemima McCalman coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Australia Women make a substitution with Mahalia Murphy coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | Australia Women make a substitution with Layne Morgan coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Australia Women make a substitution with Iliseva Batibasaga coming off. |
65 | Conversion - Missed Left | Lori Cramer curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left. |
64 | Try - Close range | Australia Women are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Adiana Talakai touching down. |
61 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Emily Chancellor goes through the gap. |
59 | Conversion - Missed Left | Ayasa Otsuka has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts. |
59 | Substitution on | Trilleen Pomare comes on for Australia Women. |
59 | Substitution off | Pauline Piliae-Rasabale leaves the field. |
58 | Try - Passing Move | Great hands by Japan Women leads to a try for Kyoko Hosokawa |
58 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Kyoko Hosokawa goes through the gap. |
58 | Try Assist | Ayasa Otsuka played a key part in that try. |
56 | Substitution on | Liz Patu comes on for Australia Women. |
56 | Substitution off | Madison Schuck leaves the field. |
56 | Substitution on | Bridie O'Gorman comes on for Australia Women. |
56 | Substitution off | Eva Karpani leaves the field. |
56 | Substitution on | Adiana Talakai comes on for Australia Women. |
56 | Substitution off | Ashley Marsters leaves the field. |
56 | Substitution on | Makoto Lavemai comes on for Japan Women. |
56 | Substitution off | Yuka Sadaka leaves the field. |
56 | Conversion - Dropped Short | More power was needed in that conversion attempt by Lori Cramer as it drops short. |
54 | Try - Rolling maul | The forward pack of Australia Women will be happy with that as the rolling maul barges over for the try. |
52 | Substitution on | Maki Takano comes on. |
52 | Substitution off | Mateitoga Bogidraumainadave comes off. |
49 | Conversion - Kicked | Ayasa Otsuka adds the two points for Japan Women. |
48 | Try - Individual effort | Nobody was going to stop Ayasa Otsuka from scoring that try! |
48 | Clean Break | Ayasa Otsuka makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half kicks off. |
40 | Substitution on | Japan Women sub Yuka Sadaka comes onto the field. |
40 | Substitution off | Makoto Lavemai departs for Japan Women. |
41 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms. |
32 | Substitution on | Makoto Lavemai comes on for Japan Women. |
32 | Substitution off | Yuka Sadaka leaves the field. |
31 | Clean Break | Trouble here as Komachi Imakugi breaches the defence. |
31 | Clean Break | Trouble here as Mahalia Murphy breaches the defence. |
6 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Georgina Friedrichs goes through the gap. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows their whistle. |