Super Rugby Pacific
Moana Pasifika vs Fijian Drua

Moana Pasifika
Fijian Drua
  • Time Sat, Mar 2, 2024, 6:00 AM
  • Location AAMI Park
  • Referee Angus Mabey
Moana Pasifika
Moana Pasifika
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
  • Pole57'
  • Moli55'
  • Inisi40'
  • Taefu40'
  • Mafile’o11'
  • Junior73'
  • Momo71'
  • Canakaivata60'
  • Ravutaumada47'
  • Canakaivata15'
  • Havili59'
  • Havili56'
  • Havili42'
  • Havili41'
  • Armstrong-Ravula74'
  • Armstrong-Ravula73'
  • Armstrong-Ravula61'
  • Armstrong-Ravula48'
  • Leali'ifano64'
  • Havili23'
Penalty Goals
  • Armstrong-Ravula34'
Moana Pasifika
Moana Pasifika
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
24Defenders Beaten40
11Clean Breaks9
13Turnovers Conceded19
40Missed Tackles24
7Turnovers Won7
16Kicks in Play12
2/2Penalty Goals1/1
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
295Kick From Hand Metres348
11In Touch13
7Opponent Collection5
19Possession Lost17
4Possession Retained1
75Rucks Won95
3Rucks Lost3
96%Rucks Success Rate96%
5Mauls Won2
Set Plays
11Lineouts Won11
5Lineouts Lost4
68%Lineouts Success Rate73%
4Scrums Won8
1Scrums Lost0
80%Scrums Success Rate100%
65%First Half35%
30%Second Half70%
33%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins67%
12Penalties Conceded10
1Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards1
9Penalty Conceded Own Half7
Moana Pasifika
Moana Pasifika
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
Abraham Pole
1Abraham Pole
Livai Natave
1Livai Natave
Sama Malolo
2Sama Malolo
Tevita Ikanivere
2Tevita Ikanivere
Sione Mafile’o
3Sione Mafile’o
Mesake Doge
3Mesake Doge
Tom Savage
4Tom Savage
Mesake Vocevoce
4Mesake Vocevoce
Allan Craig
5Allan Craig
Isoa Nasilasila
5Isoa Nasilasila
Jacob Norris
6Jacob Norris
Etonia Waqa
6Etonia Waqa
Sione Havili Talitui
7Sione Havili Talitui (C)
Elia Canakaivata
7Elia Canakaivata
Lotu Inisi
8Lotu Inisi
Meli Derenalagi
8Meli Derenalagi (C)
Ere Enari
9Ere Enari
Frank Lomani
9Frank Lomani
William Havili
10William Havili
Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
10Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
Viliami Fine
11Viliami Fine
Epeli Momo
11Epeli Momo
Julian Savea
12Julian Savea
Apisalome Vota
12Apisalome Vota
Henry Taefu
13Henry Taefu
Iosefo Masi
13Iosefo Masi
Nigel Ah Wong
14Nigel Ah Wong
Selestino Ravutaumada
14Selestino Ravutaumada
Danny Toala
15Danny Toala
Isikeli Rabitu
15Isikeli Rabitu
Samiuela Moli
16Samiuela Moli
Mesulame Dolokoto
16Mesulame Dolokoto
Sateki Latu
17Sateki Latu
Haereiti Hetet
17Haereiti Hetet
Sekope Kepu
18Sekope Kepu
Jone Koroiduadua
18Jone Koroiduadua
Ola Tauelangi
19Ola Tauelangi
Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta
19Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta
Irie Papuni
20Irie Papuni
Vilive Miramira
20Vilive Miramira
Aisea Halo
21Aisea Halo
Simione Kuruvoli
21Simione Kuruvoli
Christian Leali'ifano
22Christian Leali'ifano
Kemu Valetini
22Kemu Valetini
Kyren Taumoefolau
23Kyren Taumoefolau
Iliesa Junior Ratuva
23Iliesa Junior Ratuva
Tana Umaga
Glen Jackson
81End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
78Substitution onLotu Inisi comes on.
78Substitution offSione Mafile’o comes off.
76Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Iosefo Masi bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
74Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula has kicked a conversion.
73Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Fijian Drua results in a try for Iliesa Junior Ratuva
73Try AssistSimione Kuruvoli played a key part in that try.
73Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Selestino Ravutaumada took full advantage.
73Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula has kicked a conversion.
71Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Fijian Drua results in a try for Epeli Momo
71Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Epeli Momo took full advantage.
71Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Kemu Valetini.
71Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Etonia Waqa took full advantage.
68Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Simione Kuruvoli coming on.
68Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Frank Lomani coming off.
68Substitution onMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Sione Mafile’o coming on.
68Substitution offMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Lotu Inisi coming off.
68Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Mesulame Dolokoto coming on.
68Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Elia Canakaivata coming off.
66Yellow cardSekope Kepu (Moana Pasifika) is shown a yellow card
66Substitution onMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Ola Tauelangi coming on.
66Substitution offMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Tom Savage coming off.
66Substitution onMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Irie Papuni coming on.
66Substitution offMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Sione Havili Talitui coming off.
64Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Christian Leali'ifano kicks the penalty goal.
61Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Christian Leali'ifano comes onto the field.
61Substitution offWilliam Havili departs for Moana Pasifika.
61Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Aisea Halo comes onto the field.
61Substitution offEre Enari departs for Moana Pasifika.
61Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Sateki Latu comes onto the field.
61Substitution offAbraham Pole departs for Moana Pasifika.
61Conversion - KickedThe Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula successfully kicks the conversion.
60Try - Close rangeFijian Drua are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Elia Canakaivata touching down.
59Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Epeli Momo goes through the gap.
59Substitution onKemu Valetini comes on for Fijian Drua.
59Substitution offApisalome Vota leaves the field.
59Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as William Havili kicks the conversion.
57Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Abraham Pole from scoring as they record the try for Moana Pasifika.
57Substitution onSekope Kepu comes on for Moana Pasifika.
57Substitution offSione Mafile’o leaves the field.
56Clean BreakWhat a run here by Viliami Fine as they get over the gainline!
56Substitution onIliesa Junior Ratuva comes on for Fijian Drua.
56Substitution offIsikeli Rabitu leaves the field.
56Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as William Havili kicks the conversion.
55Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Samiuela Moli from scoring as they record the try for Moana Pasifika.
55Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Ere Enari.
54Clean BreakWhat a run here by Abraham Pole as they get over the gainline!
53Red cardNigel Ah Wong (Moana Pasifika) is shown the red card
52Substitution onJone Koroiduadua comes on.
52Substitution offMesake Doge comes off.
52Substitution onHaereiti Hetet comes on.
52Substitution offLivai Natave comes off.
51Substitution onVilive Miramira comes on.
51Substitution offMesake Vocevoce comes off.
48Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula adds the two points for Fijian Drua.
47Try - Individual effortNobody was going to stop Selestino Ravutaumada from scoring that try!
47Clean BreakSelestino Ravutaumada makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
47Try AssistSpellbinding play by Meli Derenalagi is finished off with a try.
42Conversion - KickedWilliam Havili adds the two points for Moana Pasifika.
40Try - From kickA clever kick there by Moana Pasifika allows Henry Taefu to collect the ball and touch down for the try.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Moana Pasifika has led to Henry Taefu being able to wriggle through a gap.
40Try AssistNigel Ah Wong played a key part in that try.
40Substitution onMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Viliami Fine coming on.
40Substitution offMoana Pasifika make a substitution with Kyren Taumoefolau coming off.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
41Conversion - KickedWilliam Havili adds the two points for Moana Pasifika.
40Try - Passing MoveIncisive passing by Moana Pasifika is finished off by Lotu Inisi, as they goes over for the try.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Moana Pasifika has led to Lotu Inisi being able to wriggle through a gap.
40Try AssistDanny Toala played a key part in that try.
37Yellow cardSelestino Ravutaumada (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card
37Clean BreakFabulous play by Moana Pasifika has led to Kyren Taumoefolau being able to wriggle through a gap.
36Clean BreakFabulous play by Fijian Drua has led to Frank Lomani being able to wriggle through a gap.
34Penalty Goal - KickedThe Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula successfully kicks the penalty goal.
30Substitution onKyren Taumoefolau comes on for Moana Pasifika.
30Substitution offViliami Fine leaves the field.
27Clean BreakTrouble here as Nigel Ah Wong breaches the defence.
26Clean BreakTrouble here as Viliami Fine breaches the defence.
25Clean BreakTrouble here as Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta breaches the defence.
23Penalty Goal - KickedWilliam Havili adds the points for Moana Pasifika.
20Substitution onMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Samiuela Moli getting some game time.
20Substitution offMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Sama Malolo being replaced.
20Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta getting some game time.
20Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Isoa Nasilasila being replaced.
18Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Viliami Fine bursts through to advance the Moana Pasifika attack.
17Conversion - Missed RightIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
15Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Fijian Drua results in a try for Elia Canakaivata
15Try AssistSpellbinding play by Selestino Ravutaumada is finished off with a try.
15Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Selestino Ravutaumada took full advantage.
14Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Viliami Fine took full advantage.
12Conversion - Missed RightWilliam Havili has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
11Try - Close rangeSione Mafile’o scores the try from close range.
11Try AssistEre Enari played a key part in that try.
8Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Viliami Fine goes through the gap.
3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Viliami Fine goes through the gap.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.