Super Rugby Pacific
Moana Pasifika vs Melbourne Rebels

Moana Pasifika
Melbourne Rebels
  • Time Fri, Mar 8, 2024, 6:05 AM
  • Location FMG Stadium Waikato
  • Referee Brendon Pickerill
Moana Pasifika
Moana Pasifika
Melbourne Rebels
Melbourne Rebels
  • Savea48'
  • Craig35'
  • Vaihu75'
  • Anderson66'
  • Ekuasi29'
  • Louwrens9'
  • Kellaway4'
  • Havili50'
  • Havili36'
  • Gordon30'
  • Gordon10'
  • Havili79'
  • Havili60'
  • Havili17'
Penalty Goals
    Moana Pasifika
    Moana Pasifika
    Melbourne Rebels
    Melbourne Rebels
    17Defenders Beaten18
    3Clean Breaks5
    12Turnovers Conceded10
    18Missed Tackles17
    5Turnovers Won7
    21Kicks in Play22
    3/3Penalty GoalsN/A
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down2
    677Kick From Hand Metres617
    10In Touch18
    14Opponent Collection9
    19Possession Lost18
    1Possession Retained1
    92Rucks Won61
    3Rucks Lost7
    96%Rucks Success Rate89%
    2Mauls Won8
    Set Plays
    12Lineouts Won15
    3Lineouts Lost1
    80%Lineouts Success Rate93%
    1Scrums Won10
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    45%First Half55%
    56%Second Half44%
    5%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins95%
    11Penalties Conceded8
    0Red Cards0
    2Yellow Cards0
    7Penalty Conceded Own Half4
    Moana Pasifika
    Moana Pasifika
    Melbourne Rebels
    Melbourne Rebels
    Abraham Pole
    1Abraham Pole
    Matt Gibbon
    1Matt Gibbon
    Samiuela Moli
    2Samiuela Moli
    Jordan Uelese
    2Jordan Uelese
    Sione Mafileo
    3Sione Mafileo
    Sam Talakai
    3Sam Talakai
    Tom Savage
    4Tom Savage
    Josh Canham
    4Josh Canham
    Allan Craig
    5Allan Craig
    Lukhan Salakaia-Loto
    5Lukhan Salakaia-Loto
    Jacob Norris
    6Jacob Norris
    Josh Kemeny
    6Josh Kemeny
    Sione Havili Talitui
    7Sione Havili Talitui (C)
    Vaiolini Ekuasi
    7Vaiolini Ekuasi
    Lotu Inisi
    8Lotu Inisi
    Rob Leota
    8Rob Leota (C)
    Ere Enari
    9Ere Enari
    Ryan Louwrens
    9Ryan Louwrens
    William Havili
    10William Havili
    Carter Gordon
    10Carter Gordon
    Anzelo Tuitavuki
    11Anzelo Tuitavuki
    Andrew Kellaway
    11Andrew Kellaway
    Julian Savea
    12Julian Savea
    David Feliuai
    12David Feliuai
    Henry Taefu
    13Henry Taefu
    Filipo Daugunu
    13Filipo Daugunu
    Pepesana Patafilo
    14Pepesana Patafilo
    Lachie Anderson
    14Lachie Anderson
    Danny Toala
    15Danny Toala
    Jake Strachan
    15Jake Strachan
    Thomas Maka
    16Thomas Maka
    Ethan Dobbins
    16Ethan Dobbins
    Sateki Latu
    17Sateki Latu
    Isaac Aedo Kailea
    17Isaac Aedo Kailea
    Sekope Kepu
    18Sekope Kepu
    Taniela Tupou
    18Taniela Tupou
    Ola Tauelangi
    19Ola Tauelangi
    Tuaina Taii Tualima
    19Tuaina Taii Tualima
    Irie Papuni
    20Irie Papuni
    Daniel Maiava
    20Daniel Maiava
    Melani Matavao
    21Melani Matavao
    James Tuttle
    21James Tuttle
    Christian Leali'ifano
    22Christian Leali'ifano
    Glen Vaihu
    22Glen Vaihu
    Kyren Taumoefolau
    23Kyren Taumoefolau
    Lukas Ripley
    23Lukas Ripley
    Tana Umaga
    Kevin Foote
    79End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    79Penalty Goal - KickedWilliam Havili kicks the penalty.
    77Conversion - Missed LeftMelbourne Rebels go for goal with James Tuttle taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
    75Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Melbourne Rebels is finished off by Glen Vaihu
    75Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Glen Vaihu bursts through to advance the Melbourne Rebels attack.
    75Try AssistAndrew Kellaway played a key part in that try.
    74Yellow cardJacob Norris (Moana Pasifika) is shown a yellow card
    70Substitution onMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Thomas Maka getting some game time.
    70Substitution offMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Samiuela Moli being replaced.
    70Substitution onMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Irie Papuni getting some game time.
    70Substitution offMoana Pasifika decide to make a substitution, with Lotu Inisi being replaced.
    67Substitution onMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Glen Vaihu coming on.
    67Substitution offMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Jake Strachan coming off.
    67Conversion - Missed LeftCarter Gordon curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
    66Try - Close rangeMelbourne Rebels are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Lachie Anderson touching down.
    66Try AssistJames Tuttle sets up the try.
    63Yellow cardAllan Craig (Moana Pasifika) is shown a yellow card
    62Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Sekope Kepu comes onto the field.
    62Substitution offSione Mafileo departs for Moana Pasifika.
    62Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Kyren Taumoefolau comes onto the field.
    62Substitution offAnzelo Tuitavuki departs for Moana Pasifika.
    60Substitution onMelbourne Rebels sub James Tuttle comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offRyan Louwrens departs for Melbourne Rebels.
    60Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Ola Tauelangi comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offTom Savage departs for Moana Pasifika.
    60Substitution onMelbourne Rebels sub Daniel Maiava comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offVaiolini Ekuasi departs for Melbourne Rebels.
    60Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as William Havili kicks the penalty goal.
    52Clean BreakWhat a run here by Ryan Louwrens as they get over the gainline!
    50Substitution onLukas Ripley comes on.
    50Substitution offDavid Feliuai comes off.
    50Substitution onMelani Matavao comes on.
    50Substitution offEre Enari comes off.
    50Conversion - KickedWilliam Havili adds the two points for Moana Pasifika.
    48Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Moana Pasifika leads to a try for Julian Savea.
    48Clean BreakJulian Savea makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    48Try AssistPepesana Patafilo sets up the try.
    44Substitution onMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Taniela Tupou coming on.
    44Substitution offMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Sam Talakai coming off.
    44Substitution onMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Isaac Aedo Kailea coming on.
    44Substitution offMelbourne Rebels make a substitution with Matt Gibbon coming off.
    40Substitution onMoana Pasifika sub Sateki Latu comes onto the field.
    40Substitution offAbraham Pole departs for Moana Pasifika.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    36Conversion - KickedWilliam Havili does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    35Try - Close rangeThe pick and go results in a try for Moana Pasifika as Allan Craig goes over.
    35Try AssistEre Enari sets up the try.
    34Clean BreakFabulous play by Moana Pasifika has led to Julian Savea being able to wriggle through a gap.
    30Clean BreakTrouble here as Anzelo Tuitavuki breaches the defence.
    30Conversion - KickedCarter Gordon does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    29Try - Close rangeThe pressure has finally told as Vaiolini Ekuasi scores from close range.
    17Penalty Goal - KickedWilliam Havili does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
    13Substitution onMelbourne Rebels sub Tuaina Taii Tualima comes onto the field.
    13Substitution offRob Leota departs for Melbourne Rebels.
    10Conversion - KickedCarter Gordon converts the try.
    9Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Melbourne Rebels results in a try for Ryan Louwrens
    9Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Ryan Louwrens took full advantage.
    9Try AssistJordan Uelese played a key part in that try.
    7Substitution onRob Leota comes on for Melbourne Rebels.
    7Substitution offTuaina Taii Tualima leaves the field.
    6Conversion - Missed RightCarter Gordon has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
    4Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Melbourne Rebels leads to a try for Andrew Kellaway
    4Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Andrew Kellaway goes through the gap.
    4Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Jake Strachan.
    2Substitution onTuaina Taii Tualima comes on.
    2Substitution offRob Leota comes off.
    2Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Rob Leota goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.