Rugby World Cup
Wales vs France

  • Time Sun, Oct 20, 2019, 7:15 AM
  • Location Showa Denko Dome Oita
  • Referee Jaco Peyper
  • Moriarty73'
  • Wainwright11'
  • Vakatawa30'
  • Ollivon7'
  • Vahaamahina4'
  • Biggar74'
  • Biggar12'
  • Ntamack31'
  • Ntamack8'
  • Biggar53'
  • Biggar19'
Penalty Goals
    17Defenders Beaten26
    6Clean Breaks16
    11Turnovers Conceded14
    26Missed Tackles17
    6Turnovers Won5
    37Kicks in Play41
    2/2Penalty Goals0/1
    N/ADrop Goals0/2
    0Charged Down3
    1182Kick From Hand Metres1163
    12In Touch11
    23Opponent Collection17
    31Possession Lost29
    1Possession Retained7
    75Rucks Won90
    4Rucks Lost2
    94%Rucks Success Rate97%
    7Mauls Won7
    Set Plays
    11Lineouts Won13
    0Lineouts Lost0
    100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
    4Scrums Won4
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    40%First Half60%
    57%Second Half42%
    83%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins17%
    6Penalties Conceded8
    0Red Cards1
    1Yellow Cards0
    3Penalty Conceded Own Half4
    Wyn Jones
    1Wyn Jones
    Jefferson Poirot
    1Jefferson Poirot
    Ken Owens
    2Ken Owens
    Guilhem Guirado
    2Guilhem Guirado (C)
    Tomas Francis
    3Tomas Francis
    Rabah Slimani
    3Rabah Slimani
    Jake Ball
    4Jake Ball
    Bernard Le Roux
    4Bernard Le Roux
    Alun Wyn Jones
    5Alun Wyn Jones
    Sebastien Vahaamahina
    5Sebastien Vahaamahina
    Aaron Wainwright
    6Aaron Wainwright
    Wenceslas Lauret
    6Wenceslas Lauret
    Justin Tipuric
    7Justin Tipuric
    Charles Ollivon
    7Charles Ollivon
    Josh Navidi
    8Josh Navidi
    Gregory Alldritt
    8Gregory Alldritt
    Gareth Davies
    9Gareth Davies
    Antoine Dupont
    9Antoine Dupont
    Dan Biggar
    10Dan Biggar
    Romain Ntamack
    10Romain Ntamack
    Josh Adams
    11Josh Adams
    Yoann Huget
    11Yoann Huget
    Hadleigh Parkes
    12Hadleigh Parkes
    Gael Fickou
    12Gael Fickou
    Owen Watkin
    13Owen Watkin
    Virimi Vakatawa
    13Virimi Vakatawa
    George North
    14George North
    Damian Penaud
    14Damian Penaud
    Liam Williams
    15Liam Williams
    Maxime Médard
    15Maxime Médard
    Elliot Dee
    16Elliot Dee
    Camille Chat
    16Camille Chat
    Rhys Carre
    17Rhys Carre
    Cyril Baille
    17Cyril Baille
    Dillon Lewis
    18Dillon Lewis
    Emerick Setiano
    18Emerick Setiano
    Adam Beard
    19Adam Beard
    Paul Gabrillagues
    19Paul Gabrillagues
    Ross Moriarty
    20Ross Moriarty
    Louis Picamoles
    20Louis Picamoles
    Tomos Williams
    21Tomos Williams
    Baptiste Serin
    21Baptiste Serin
    Rhys Patchell
    22Rhys Patchell
    Camille Lopez
    22Camille Lopez
    Leigh Halfpenny
    23Leigh Halfpenny
    Vincent Rattez
    23Vincent Rattez
    Warren Gatland
    Fabien Galthie
    80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown his whistle to end the game.
    77Substitution onVincent Rattez comes on.
    77Substitution offMaxime Médard comes off.
    75Substitution onElliot Dee comes on.
    75Substitution offKen Owens comes off.
    74Conversion - KickedDan Biggar does the business as his conversion attempt goes over.
    73Try - Close rangeRoss Moriarty scores the try from close range.
    72Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Baptiste Serin getting some game time.
    72Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Antoine Dupont being replaced.
    72Substitution onFrance make a substitution with Emerick Setiano coming on.
    72Substitution offFrance make a substitution with Rabah Slimani coming off.
    71Player Good TacklesGael Fickou has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    67Substitution onFrance sub Cyril Baille comes onto the field.
    67Substitution offJefferson Poirot departs for France.
    65Substitution onLouis Picamoles comes on for France.
    65Substitution offBernard Le Roux leaves the field.
    64Clean BreakTomos Williams makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    64Clean BreakFabulous play by Wales has led to Aaron Wainwright being able to wriggle through a gap.
    64Team Rucks WonWales have won 60 rucks so far this game.
    63Team Rucks WonFrance have won 80 rucks so far this game.
    62Substitution onAdam Beard comes on.
    62Substitution offJake Ball comes off.
    62Substitution onRhys Carre comes on.
    62Substitution offWyn Jones comes off.
    62Substitution onDillon Lewis comes on.
    62Substitution offTomas Francis comes off.
    59Drop Goal - Dropped ShortMaxime Médard has an attempt on goal with a drop kick, but it falls well short.
    57Player Good TacklesAaron Wainwright has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    54Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Paul Gabrillagues getting some game time.
    54Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Gregory Alldritt being replaced.
    54Substitution onWales make a substitution with Tomos Williams coming on.
    54Substitution offWales make a substitution with Gareth Davies coming off.
    53Penalty Goal - KickedDan Biggar kicks the penalty.
    50Player Good TacklesJake Ball has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    49Substitution onFrance sub Camille Chat comes onto the field.
    49Substitution offGuilhem Guirado departs for France.
    48Red cardSebastien Vahaamahina (France) is shown the red card.
    45Player Good TacklesJustin Tipuric has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    43Drop Goal - Missed RightFrance have a drop goal attempt, but its pushed to the right.
    43Team Rucks WonFrance have won 60 rucks so far this game.
    43Player Good TacklesAlun Wyn Jones has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    41Team Rucks WonWales have won 40 rucks so far this game.
    40Substitution onCamille Lopez comes on for France.
    40Substitution offRomain Ntamack leaves the field.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half is underway.
    40+1End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams’ head for the dressing rooms.
    39Player Good TacklesKen Owens has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    39Player Good TacklesTomas Francis has made 10 good tackles so far this game.
    37Penalty Goal - Hit Left PostRomain Ntamack can consider himself unlucky as he sees the ball hit the left upright and bounce away.
    35Tackle - Big HitOuch!! Josh Adams puts in a big hit!.
    34Clean BreakTrouble here as Romain Ntamack breaches the defence.
    32Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Maxime Médard bursts through to advance the France attack.
    32Team Rucks WonFrance have won 40 rucks so far this game.
    31Conversion - KickedRomain Ntamack makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    30Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Damian Penaud.
    30Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by France results in a try for Virimi Vakatawa.
    30Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Virimi Vakatawa took full advantage.
    29Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Guilhem Guirado goes through the gap.
    28Clean BreakWhat a run here by Damian Penaud as they gets over the gainline!.
    28Yellow cardRoss Moriarty (Wales) is shown a yellow card.
    28Clean BreakYoann Huget makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    27Substitution onRoss Moriarty comes on.
    27Substitution offJosh Navidi comes off.
    26Clean BreakFabulous play by Wales has led to Justin Tipuric being able to wriggle through a gap.
    23Clean BreakTrouble here as Damian Penaud breaches the defence.
    22Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Hadleigh Parkes bursts through to advance the Wales attack.
    22Team Rucks WonFrance have won 20 rucks so far this game.
    19Penalty Goal - KickedDan Biggar has kicked a penalty goal.
    18Team Rucks WonWales have won 20 rucks so far this game.
    12Conversion - KickedDan Biggar converts the try.
    11Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Aaron Wainwright.
    11Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Aaron Wainwright took full advantage.
    8Conversion - KickedRomain Ntamack has kicked a conversion.
    7Try AssistAntoine Dupont sets up the try.
    7Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by France leads to a try for Charles Ollivon.
    7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Romain Ntamack goes through the gap.
    6Conversion - Hit Left PostRomain Ntamack hits the left post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
    4Try - Close rangeFrance are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Sebastien Vahaamahina touching down.
    1Tackle - Big HitBernard Le Roux lined up his man and then smashed him to the ground!!! I dare say the effects of the tackle will be felt tomorrow.
    0Tackle - Big HitBoom!!! Explosive hit there by Charles Ollivon.
    0Tackle - Big HitOh what a hit by Guilhem Guirado, stopping the ball carrier in his tracks!!!!.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows his whistle.