National Rugby Championship
226 vs 221
- Time Sat, Sep 2, 2017, 5:00 AM
- Location Viking Park
- Referee Graham Cooper
226 | 221 | |
| Tries |
| Conversions |
| Penalty Goals |
226 | 221 | |
Attack | ||
7 | Tries | 6 |
367 | Metres | 472 |
96 | Carries | 125 |
14 | Defenders Beaten | 27 |
10 | Clean Breaks | 4 |
116 | Passes | 153 |
6 | Offloads | 12 |
7 | Turnovers Conceded | 13 |
Defence | ||
141 | Tackles | 90 |
27 | Missed Tackles | 14 |
3 | Turnovers Won | 2 |
Kicking | ||
22 | Kicks in Play | 18 |
5/7 | Conversions | 5/6 |
1/1 | Penalty Goals | N/A |
N/A | Drop Goals | N/A |
0 | Charged Down | 0 |
403 | Kick From Hand Metres | 361 |
14 | In Touch | 8 |
7 | Opponent Collection | 6 |
75% | Success | 83% |
12 | Possession Lost | 11 |
1 | Possession Retained | 2 |
Breakdown | ||
67 | Rucks Won | 91 |
3 | Rucks Lost | 1 |
95% | Rucks Success Rate | 98% |
1 | Mauls Won | 3 |
Set Plays | ||
10 | Lineouts Won | 9 |
5 | Lineouts Lost | 1 |
66% | Lineouts Success Rate | 90% |
8 | Scrums Won | 6 |
1 | Scrums Lost | 1 |
88% | Scrums Success Rate | 85% |
Possession | ||
54% | Possession | 46% |
50% | First Half | 50% |
60% | Second Half | 40% |
0% | Ball Possession Last 10 Mins | 0% |
Discipline | ||
8 | Penalties Conceded | 11 |
0 | Red Cards | 0 |
0 | Yellow Cards | 0 |
5 | Penalty Conceded Own Half | 5 |
226 | 221 |
Substitutes | |
Coaches | |
Tim Sampson | Brad Thorn |
80 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown his whistle to end the game. |
79 | Substitution on | Canberra Vikings make a substitution with Max Bode coming on. |
79 | Substitution off | Canberra Vikings make a substitution with Harrison Lloyd coming off. |
78 | Substitution on | Queensland Country sub Veresa Mataitini comes onto the field. |
78 | Substitution off | Patrick James departs for Queensland Country. |
78 | Substitution on | Scott Malolua comes on for Queensland Country. |
78 | Substitution off | James Tuttle leaves the field. |
77 | Substitution on | Alex Casey comes on. |
77 | Substitution off | Alex Mafi comes off. |
77 | Substitution on | Pedro Rolando comes on. |
77 | Substitution off | Joe Powell comes off. |
76 | Substitution on | Darcy Swain comes on. |
76 | Substitution off | Ben Hyne comes off. |
76 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera has kicked a penalty goal. |
71 | Substitution on | Canberra Vikings decide to make a substitution, with Folau Fainga'a getting some game time. |
71 | Substitution off | Canberra Vikings decide to make a substitution, with Robbie Abel being replaced. |
70 | Conversion - Missed | Wharenui Hawera fails to add the extras. |
69 | Try | Joel Penders scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
65 | Substitution on | Queensland Country make a substitution with Richie Asiata coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Queensland Country make a substitution with Sef Fa'agase coming off. |
63 | Conversion - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera makes no mistake with that conversion attempt. |
62 | Try | Joe Powell scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
58 | Substitution on | Canberra Vikings sub Rob Valetini comes onto the field. |
58 | Substitution off | Lolo Fakaosilea departs for Canberra Vikings. |
52 | Conversion - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera converts the try. |
51 | Try | Ben Hyne scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
48 | Conversion - Kicked | James Tuttle has kicked a conversion. |
47 | Try | Duncan Paia'aua scores a try for Queensland Country. |
43 | Substitution on | Joel Penders comes on for Canberra Vikings. |
43 | Substitution off | Les Makin leaves the field. |
43 | Conversion - Kicked | The Queensland Country supporters go wild as James Tuttle successfully kicks the conversion. |
42 | Try | Sef Fa'agase scores a try for Queensland Country. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half is underway. |
40+2 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams’ head for the dressing rooms. |
40+2 | Conversion - Kicked | The touch judges raise their flags as James Tuttle kicks the conversion. |
40+1 | Try | Angus Scott-Young scores a try for Queensland Country. |
39 | Conversion - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera adds the two points for Canberra Vikings. |
38 | Try | Robbie Abel scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
36 | Conversion - Kicked | James Tuttle does the business as his conversion attempt goes over. |
36 | Try | James Tuttle scores a try for Queensland Country. |
35 | Substitution on | Taniela Tupou comes on. |
35 | Substitution off | Fred Burke comes off. |
29 | Conversion - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera makes no mistake with that conversion attempt. |
28 | Try | Andy Muirhead scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
26 | Conversion - Missed | James Tuttle misses the conversion. |
24 | Try | Duncan Paia'aua scores a try for Queensland Country. |
19 | Conversion - Missed | Conversion attempt from Wharenui Hawera has the distance but not the direction. |
17 | Try | Thomas Banks scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
14 | Conversion - Kicked | Wharenui Hawera converts the try. |
14 | Try | Andrew Robinson scores a try for Canberra Vikings. |
12 | Conversion - Kicked | James Tuttle has kicked a conversion. |
12 | Try | Caleb Timu scores a try for Queensland Country. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows his whistle. |