Ireland vs Argentina

  • Time Sun, Nov 21, 2021, 2:15 PM
  • Location Aviva Stadium
  • Referee Matthew Carley
  • Beirne75'
  • Healy71'
  • Sheehan66'
  • van56'
  • Doris36'
  • Porter22'
  • van10'
  • Carreras2'
  • Carbery72'
  • Carbery67'
  • Carbery57'
  • Carbery38'
  • Carbery23'
  • Carbery11'
  • Boffelli3'
  • Carbery48'
  • Carbery6'
Penalty Goals
    33Defenders Beaten19
    7Clean Breaks3
    13Turnovers Conceded10
    19Missed Tackles33
    5Turnovers Won5
    32Kicks in Play29
    2/2Penalty Goals0/2
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    3Charged Down1
    1000Kick From Hand Metres903
    18In Touch11
    13Opponent Collection11
    27Possession Lost25
    2Possession Retained3
    119Rucks Won90
    3Rucks Lost5
    97%Rucks Success Rate94%
    9Mauls Won1
    Set Plays
    16Lineouts Won12
    0Lineouts Lost0
    100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
    3Scrums Won5
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    63%First Half37%
    52%Second Half48%
    55%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins45%
    10Penalties Conceded13
    0Red Cards1
    0Yellow Cards1
    7Penalty Conceded Own Half7
    Andrew Porter
    1Andrew Porter
    Thomas Gallo
    1Thomas Gallo
    Ronan Kelleher
    2Ronan Kelleher
    Julian Montoya
    2Julian Montoya (C)
    Tadhg Furlong
    3Tadhg Furlong
    Francisco Gomez Kodela
    3Francisco Gomez Kodela
    Tadhg Beirne
    4Tadhg Beirne
    Guido Petti
    4Guido Petti
    James Ryan
    5James Ryan (C)
    Tomas Lavanini
    5Tomas Lavanini
    Peter O'Mahony
    6Peter O'Mahony
    Santiago Grondona
    6Santiago Grondona
    Josh van der Flier
    7Josh van der Flier
    Marcos Kremer
    7Marcos Kremer
    Caelan Doris
    8Caelan Doris
    Pablo Matera
    8Pablo Matera
    Conor Murray
    9Conor Murray
    Tomas Cubelli
    9Tomas Cubelli
    Joey Carbery
    10Joey Carbery
    Santiago Carreras
    10Santiago Carreras
    James Lowe
    11James Lowe
    Lucio Cinti
    11Lucio Cinti
    Robbie Henshaw
    12Robbie Henshaw
    Jeronimo de la Fuente
    12Jeronimo de la Fuente
    Garry Ringrose
    13Garry Ringrose
    Matias Moroni
    13Matias Moroni
    Robert Baloucoune
    14Robert Baloucoune
    Mateo Carreras
    14Mateo Carreras
    Hugo Keenan
    15Hugo Keenan
    Emiliano Boffelli
    15Emiliano Boffelli
    Dan Sheehan
    16Dan Sheehan
    Facundo Bosch
    16Facundo Bosch
    Cian Healy
    17Cian Healy
    Ignacio Calles
    17Ignacio Calles
    Tom O'Toole
    18Tom O'Toole
    Eduardo Bello
    18Eduardo Bello
    Ryan Baird
    19Ryan Baird
    Lucas Paulos
    19Lucas Paulos
    Nick Timoney
    20Nick Timoney
    Facundo Isa
    20Facundo Isa
    Craig Casey
    21Craig Casey
    Gonzalo Bertranou
    21Gonzalo Bertranou
    Harry Byrne
    22Harry Byrne
    Nicolas Sanchez
    22Nicolas Sanchez
    Keith Earls
    23Keith Earls
    Facundo Cordero
    23Facundo Cordero
    Simon Easterby
    Felipe Contepomi
    82End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    79Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Lucio Cinti bursts through to advance the Argentina attack.
    78Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Robert Baloucoune bursts through to advance the Ireland attack.
    76Conversion - Hit Left PostJoey Carbery takes the conversion but it hits the upright and bounces away, kick unsuccessful.
    75Try - Close rangeIreland are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Tadhg Beirne picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
    73Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Facundo Bosch getting some game time.
    73Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Julian Montoya being replaced.
    72Conversion - KickedJoey Carbery has kicked a conversion.
    71Try - Close rangeCian Healy scores the try from close range.
    69Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Joey Carbery took full advantage.
    67Conversion - KickedThe Ireland supporters go wild as Joey Carbery successfully kicks the conversion.
    66Try - Close rangeIreland are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Dan Sheehan touching down.
    65Substitution onIreland make a substitution with Keith Earls coming on.
    65Substitution offIreland make a substitution with Robbie Henshaw coming off.
    59Substitution onNick Timoney comes on for Ireland.
    59Substitution offJosh van der Flier leaves the field.
    59Substitution onNicolas Sanchez comes on for Argentina.
    59Substitution offSantiago Carreras leaves the field.
    59Substitution onEduardo Bello comes on for Argentina.
    59Substitution offFrancisco Gomez Kodela leaves the field.
    59Red cardTomas Lavanini (Argentina) is shown the red card
    57Substitution onTom O'Toole comes on for Ireland.
    57Substitution offTadhg Furlong leaves the field.
    57Substitution onCian Healy comes on for Ireland.
    57Substitution offAndrew Porter leaves the field.
    57Substitution onFacundo Isa comes on for Argentina.
    57Substitution offMarcos Kremer leaves the field.
    57Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Joey Carbery kicks the conversion.
    56Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Josh van der Flier from scoring as they record the try for Ireland.
    56Try AssistCraig Casey played a key part in that try.
    50Substitution onHarry Byrne comes on.
    50Substitution offHugo Keenan comes off.
    50Substitution onDan Sheehan comes on.
    50Substitution offRonan Kelleher comes off.
    50Substitution onCraig Casey comes on.
    50Substitution offConor Murray comes off.
    48Penalty Goal - KickedJoey Carbery makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
    47Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Lucas Paulos getting some game time.
    47Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Guido Petti being replaced.
    47Yellow cardPablo Matera (Argentina) is shown a yellow card
    46Clean BreakRyan Baird makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    45Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Gonzalo Bertranou getting some game time.
    45Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Tomas Cubelli being replaced.
    45Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Ignacio Calles getting some game time.
    45Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Thomas Gallo being replaced.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    38Clean BreakFabulous play by Ireland has led to Tadhg Furlong being able to wriggle through a gap.
    38Substitution onIreland sub Ryan Baird comes onto the field.
    38Substitution offJames Ryan departs for Ireland.
    38Conversion - KickedJoey Carbery does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    36Try - Close rangeThe pick and go results in a try for Ireland as Caelan Doris goes over.
    36Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Conor Murray.
    36Clean BreakFabulous play by Ireland has led to Robert Baloucoune being able to wriggle through a gap.
    33Substitution onFacundo Cordero comes on for Argentina.
    33Substitution offMateo Carreras leaves the field.
    33Clean BreakTrouble here as Mateo Carreras breaches the defence.
    31Penalty Goal - Missed RightEmiliano Boffelli has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
    27Penalty Goal - Hit Left PostThe penalty attempt by Emiliano Boffelli has rebounded off the left post and back into play.
    23Conversion - KickedJoey Carbery makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    22Try - Close rangeIreland are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Andrew Porter picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
    21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Garry Ringrose bursts through to advance the Ireland attack.
    11Conversion - KickedJoey Carbery converts the try.
    10Try - Rolling maulNobody could stop that maul! Josh van der Flier places the ball down for the try.
    9Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Ronan Kelleher took full advantage.
    6Penalty Goal - KickedJoey Carbery kicks the penalty.
    3Conversion - KickedEmiliano Boffelli has kicked a conversion.
    2Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Argentina leads to a try for Mateo Carreras
    2Try AssistJeronimo de la Fuente sets up the try.
    2Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Jeronimo de la Fuente goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.