Argentina vs Scotland

  • Time Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 7:10 PM
  • Location Estadio 23 de Agosto
  • Referee Nic Berry
  • Bertranou56'
  • Carreras33'
  • de29'
  • Hutchinson53'
  • Bennett47'
  • Boffelli35'
  • Kinghorn55'
  • Boffelli70'
  • Sanchez17'
  • Sanchez3'
Penalty Goals
  • Kinghorn25'
  • Kinghorn15'
10Defenders Beaten10
5Clean Breaks1
8Turnovers Conceded14
10Missed Tackles10
3Turnovers Won5
17Kicks in Play16
3/4Penalty Goals2/2
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
603Kick From Hand Metres546
11In Touch9
5Opponent Collection7
15Possession Lost12
1Possession Retained2
57Rucks Won54
3Rucks Lost2
95%Rucks Success Rate96%
3Mauls Won4
Set Plays
7Lineouts Won11
0Lineouts Lost0
100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
9Scrums Won6
0Scrums Lost1
100%Scrums Success Rate85%
65%First Half35%
39%Second Half61%
48%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins52%
10Penalties Conceded10
0Red Cards0
0Yellow Cards0
7Penalty Conceded Own Half8
Nahuel Tetaz Chaparro
1Nahuel Tetaz Chaparro
Pierre Schoeman
1Pierre Schoeman
Julian Montoya
2Julian Montoya (C)
George Turner
2George Turner
Francisco Gomez Kodela
3Francisco Gomez Kodela
Zander Fagerson
3Zander Fagerson
Guido Petti
4Guido Petti
Grant Gilchrist
4Grant Gilchrist (C)
Matias Alemanno
5Matias Alemanno
Jonny Gray
5Jonny Gray
Juan Martin Gonzalez
6Juan Martin Gonzalez
Magnus Bradbury
6Magnus Bradbury
Marcos Kremer
7Marcos Kremer
Luke Crosbie
7Luke Crosbie
Pablo Matera
8Pablo Matera
Matt Fagerson
8Matt Fagerson
Gonzalo Bertranou
9Gonzalo Bertranou
Ali Price
9Ali Price
Nicolas Sanchez
10Nicolas Sanchez
Blair Kinghorn
10Blair Kinghorn
Emiliano Boffelli
11Emiliano Boffelli
Duhan van der Merwe
11Duhan van der Merwe
Jeronimo de la Fuente
12Jeronimo de la Fuente
Sam Johnson
12Sam Johnson
Matias Orlando
13Matias Orlando
Mark Bennett
13Mark Bennett
Santiago Cordero
14Santiago Cordero
Darcy Graham
14Darcy Graham
Juan Cruz Mallia
15Juan Cruz Mallia
Rory Hutchinson
15Rory Hutchinson
Agustin Creevy
16Agustin Creevy
Ewan Ashman
16Ewan Ashman
Mayco Vivas
17Mayco Vivas
Rory Sutherland
17Rory Sutherland
Joel Sclavi
18Joel Sclavi
Javan Sebastian
18Javan Sebastian
Lucas Paulos
19Lucas Paulos
Sam Skinner
19Sam Skinner
Facundo Isa
20Facundo Isa
Rory Darge
20Rory Darge
Juan Imhoff
21Juan Imhoff
Ben White
21Ben White
Santiago Carreras
22Santiago Carreras
Ross Thompson
22Ross Thompson
Matias Moroni
23Matias Moroni
Sione Tuipulotu
23Sione Tuipulotu
Felipe Contepomi
Gregor Townsend
81End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
72Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Lucas Paulos getting some game time.
72Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Matias Alemanno being replaced.
70Substitution onScotland decide to make a substitution, with Sione Tuipulotu getting some game time.
70Substitution offScotland decide to make a substitution, with Sam Johnson being replaced.
70Penalty Goal - KickedEmiliano Boffelli has kicked a penalty goal.
66Substitution onScotland make a substitution with Ben White coming on.
66Substitution offScotland make a substitution with Ali Price coming off.
66Substitution onScotland make a substitution with Sam Skinner coming on.
66Substitution offScotland make a substitution with Jonny Gray coming off.
65Substitution onArgentina make a substitution with Juan Imhoff coming on.
65Substitution offArgentina make a substitution with Matias Orlando coming off.
59Substitution onJavan Sebastian comes on for Scotland.
59Substitution offZander Fagerson leaves the field.
59Substitution onEwan Ashman comes on for Scotland.
59Substitution offGeorge Turner leaves the field.
59Substitution onRory Sutherland comes on for Scotland.
59Substitution offPierre Schoeman leaves the field.
59Substitution onFacundo Isa comes on for Argentina.
59Substitution offMarcos Kremer leaves the field.
59Substitution onAgustin Creevy comes on for Argentina.
59Substitution offJulian Montoya leaves the field.
58Conversion - Missed RightEmiliano Boffelli has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
56Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Gonzalo Bertranou from scoring as they record the try for Argentina.
56Clean BreakWhat a run here by Matias Orlando as they get over the gainline!
55Substitution onMayco Vivas comes on for Argentina.
55Substitution offNahuel Tetaz Chaparro leaves the field.
55Substitution onMatias Moroni comes on for Argentina.
55Substitution offJeronimo de la Fuente leaves the field.
55Substitution onJoel Sclavi comes on for Argentina.
55Substitution offFrancisco Gomez Kodela leaves the field.
55Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Blair Kinghorn kicks the conversion.
53Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by Scotland results in a try for Rory Hutchinson.
53Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Blair Kinghorn.
52Substitution onRory Darge comes on.
52Substitution offLuke Crosbie comes off.
49Conversion - Missed LeftBlair Kinghorn has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
47Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Scotland leads to a try for Mark Bennett.
47Clean BreakMark Bennett makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
47Try AssistSpellbinding play by Blair Kinghorn is finished off with a try.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
35Conversion - KickedEmiliano Boffelli does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
33Try - Close rangeThe pick and go results in a try for Argentina as Santiago Carreras goes over.
33Clean BreakFabulous play by Argentina has led to Santiago Carreras being able to wriggle through a gap.
33Clean BreakFabulous play by Argentina has led to Juan Cruz Mallia being able to wriggle through a gap.
30Conversion - Missed LeftArgentina go for goal with Emiliano Boffelli taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
29Try - Passing MoveSilky skills by Argentina ends with a try for Jeronimo de la Fuente.
29Try AssistSpellbinding play by Juan Cruz Mallia is finished off with a try.
28Clean BreakTrouble here as Guido Petti breaches the defence.
25Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Blair Kinghorn kicks the penalty goal.
23Penalty Goal - Missed RightEmiliano Boffelli takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
20Substitution onArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Santiago Carreras getting some game time.
20Substitution offArgentina decide to make a substitution, with Nicolas Sanchez being replaced.
20Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Matias Orlando bursts through to advance the Argentina attack.
17Penalty Goal - KickedNicolas Sanchez does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
15Penalty Goal - KickedBlair Kinghorn does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
3Penalty Goal - KickedNicolas Sanchez has kicked a penalty goal.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.