Japan vs France

  • Time Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 6:00 AM
  • Location City of Toyota Stadium
  • Referee Frank Murphy
  • Fifita82'
  • Tatafu13'
  • Bourgarit67'
  • Moefana60'
  • Penaud57'
  • Lebel44'
  • Penaud2'
  • Lee83'
  • Lee14'
  • Jaminet68'
  • Jaminet58'
  • Jaminet45'
  • Jaminet3'
  • Lee53'
  • Lee24'
  • Lee5'
Penalty Goals
  • Jaminet51'
  • Jaminet28'
  • Jaminet18'
16Defenders Beaten19
4Clean Breaks5
16Turnovers Conceded11
19Missed Tackles16
5Turnovers Won7
14Kicks in Play24
3/4Penalty Goals3/3
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
160Kick From Hand Metres687
10In Touch8
6Opponent Collection14
11Possession Lost20
2Possession Retained5
89Rucks Won54
6Rucks Lost4
93%Rucks Success Rate93%
2Mauls Won6
Set Plays
6Lineouts Won11
0Lineouts Lost0
100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
5Scrums Won7
0Scrums Lost0
100%Scrums Success Rate100%
59%First Half41%
56%Second Half44%
6%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins94%
10Penalties Conceded14
0Red Cards0
0Yellow Cards0
5Penalty Conceded Own Half6
Keita Inagaki
1Keita Inagaki
Jean-Baptiste Gros
1Jean-Baptiste Gros
Atsushi Sakate
2Atsushi Sakate (C)
Peato Mauvaka
2Peato Mauvaka
Asaeli Ai Valu
3Asaeli Ai Valu
Demba Bamba
3Demba Bamba
Wimpie van der Walt
4Wimpie van der Walt
Thibaud Flament
4Thibaud Flament
Jack Cornelsen
5Jack Cornelsen
Thomas Jolmes
5Thomas Jolmes
Michael Leitch
6Michael Leitch
Dylan Cretin
6Dylan Cretin
Ben Gunter
7Ben Gunter
Charles Ollivon
7Charles Ollivon (C)
Tevita Tatafu
8Tevita Tatafu
Yoan Tanga
8Yoan Tanga
Kaito Shigeno
9Kaito Shigeno
Maxime Lucu
9Maxime Lucu
Seungsin Lee
10Seungsin Lee
Matthieu Jalibert
10Matthieu Jalibert
Siosaia Fifita
11Siosaia Fifita
Matthis Lebel
11Matthis Lebel
Shogo Nakano
12Shogo Nakano
Yoram Moefana
12Yoram Moefana
Dylan Riley
13Dylan Riley
Virimi Vakatawa
13Virimi Vakatawa
Gerhard van den Heever
14Gerhard van den Heever
Damian Penaud
14Damian Penaud
Ryohei Yamanaka
15Ryohei Yamanaka
Melvyn Jaminet
15Melvyn Jaminet
Daigo Hashimoto
16Daigo Hashimoto
Pierre Bourgarit
16Pierre Bourgarit
Yukio Morikawa
17Yukio Morikawa
Dany Priso
17Dany Priso
Shinnosuke Kakinaga
18Shinnosuke Kakinaga
Sipili Falatea
18Sipili Falatea
Warner Dearns
19Warner Dearns
Thomas Lavault
19Thomas Lavault
Faulua Makisi
20Faulua Makisi
Selevasio Tolofua
20Selevasio Tolofua
Daiki Nakajima
21Daiki Nakajima
Sekou Macalou
21Sekou Macalou
Shane Gates
22Shane Gates
Baptiste Couilloud
22Baptiste Couilloud
Taichi Takahashi
23Taichi Takahashi
Antoine Hastoy
23Antoine Hastoy
Eddie Jones
Fabien Galthie
83End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
83Conversion - KickedSeungsin Lee converts the try.
82Try - Close rangeJapan are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Siosaia Fifita picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
72Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Peato Mauvaka getting some game time.
72Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Pierre Bourgarit being replaced.
69Substitution onFrance make a substitution with Antoine Hastoy coming on.
69Substitution offFrance make a substitution with Matthieu Jalibert coming off.
68Substitution onJapan make a substitution with Shinnosuke Kakinaga coming on.
68Substitution offJapan make a substitution with Asaeli Ai Valu coming off.
68Substitution onJapan make a substitution with Daigo Hashimoto coming on.
68Substitution offJapan make a substitution with Atsushi Sakate coming off.
68Conversion - KickedThe France supporters go wild as Melvyn Jaminet successfully kicks the conversion.
67Try - Rolling maulNobody could stop that maul! Pierre Bourgarit places the ball down for the try.
63Substitution onJapan sub Shane Gates comes onto the field.
63Substitution offShogo Nakano departs for Japan.
62Substitution onFrance sub Selevasio Tolofua comes onto the field.
62Substitution offYoan Tanga departs for France.
62Substitution onFrance sub Sekou Macalou comes onto the field.
62Substitution offVirimi Vakatawa departs for France.
62Conversion - Missed RightMelvyn Jaminet curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
60Try - From kickThe kick through from France has allowed Yoram Moefana to touch down.
60Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Yoram Moefana goes through the gap.
58Substitution onWarner Dearns comes on for Japan.
58Substitution offWimpie van der Walt leaves the field.
58Substitution onBaptiste Couilloud comes on for France.
58Substitution offMaxime Lucu leaves the field.
58Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Melvyn Jaminet kicks the conversion.
57Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by France results in a try for Damian Penaud.
57Try AssistVirimi Vakatawa played a key part in that try.
57Clean BreakWhat a run here by Yoram Moefana as they get over the gainline!
55Clean BreakWhat a run here by Jack Cornelsen as they get over the gainline!
53Penalty Goal - KickedSeungsin Lee does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
51Penalty Goal - KickedMelvyn Jaminet does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Taichi Takahashi getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Gerhard van den Heever being replaced.
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Faulua Makisi getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Tevita Tatafu being replaced.
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Daiki Nakajima getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Kaito Shigeno being replaced.
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Yukio Morikawa getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Keita Inagaki being replaced.
48Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Pierre Bourgarit getting some game time.
48Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Peato Mauvaka being replaced.
45Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Sipili Falatea getting some game time.
45Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Demba Bamba being replaced.
45Substitution onFrance decide to make a substitution, with Dany Priso getting some game time.
45Substitution offFrance decide to make a substitution, with Jean-Baptiste Gros being replaced.
45Conversion - KickedMelvyn Jaminet adds the two points for France.
44Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by France leads to a try for Matthis Lebel.
44Try AssistSpellbinding play by Matthieu Jalibert is finished off with a try.
44Clean BreakMatthieu Jalibert makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
43Substitution onFrance make a substitution with Thomas Lavault coming on.
43Substitution offFrance make a substitution with Thomas Jolmes coming off.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Japan has led to Jack Cornelsen being able to wriggle through a gap.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
36Clean BreakFabulous play by France has led to Melvyn Jaminet being able to wriggle through a gap.
31Penalty Goal - Missed RightSeungsin Lee has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
28Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Melvyn Jaminet kicks the penalty goal.
26Clean BreakTrouble here as Ryohei Yamanaka breaches the defence.
24Penalty Goal - KickedSeungsin Lee adds the points for Japan.
18Penalty Goal - KickedMelvyn Jaminet does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
14Conversion - KickedSeungsin Lee converts the try.
13Try - Close rangeTevita Tatafu scores the try from close range.
13Try AssistSpellbinding play by Kaito Shigeno is finished off with a try.
12Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Ben Gunter took full advantage.
5Penalty Goal - KickedSeungsin Lee kicks the penalty.
3Conversion - KickedMelvyn Jaminet has kicked a conversion.
2Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by France leads to a try for Damian Penaud
2Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Damian Penaud goes through the gap.
2Try AssistMatthieu Jalibert sets up the try.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.