Italy vs Samoa

  • Time Sat, Nov 5, 2022, 1:00 PM
  • Location Stadio Plebiscito
  • Referee Christophe Ridley
  • Bruno60'
  • Cannone54'
  • Ioane44'
  • Ioane40'
  • Bruno23'
  • Ignacio21'
  • McFarland79'
  • Paia'aua71'
  • Seuteni51'
  • Garbisi61'
  • Garbisi55'
  • Allan46'
  • Allan24'
  • Allan22'
  • Leuila52'
  • Garbisi37'
  • Allan28'
  • Allan10'
Penalty Goals
    28Defenders Beaten18
    9Clean Breaks6
    7Turnovers Conceded14
    18Missed Tackles28
    3Turnovers Won3
    24Kicks in Play19
    3/3Penalty Goals0/1
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down0
    844Kick From Hand Metres612
    14In Touch13
    12Opponent Collection11
    21Possession Lost17
    3Possession Retained1
    63Rucks Won56
    2Rucks Lost1
    96%Rucks Success Rate98%
    6Mauls Won6
    Set Plays
    10Lineouts Won15
    2Lineouts Lost0
    83%Lineouts Success Rate100%
    8Scrums Won4
    1Scrums Lost0
    88%Scrums Success Rate100%
    54%First Half46%
    50%Second Half50%
    34%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins66%
    9Penalties Conceded8
    0Red Cards0
    0Yellow Cards1
    7Penalty Conceded Own Half6
    Danilo Fischetti
    1Danilo Fischetti
    Jordan Lay
    1Jordan Lay
    Giacomo Nicotera
    2Giacomo Nicotera
    Seilala Lam
    2Seilala Lam
    Simone Ferrari
    3Simone Ferrari
    Michael Alaalatoa
    3Michael Alaalatoa (C)
    David Sisi
    4David Sisi
    Brian Alainu'uese
    4Brian Alainu'uese
    Federico Ruzza
    5Federico Ruzza
    Chris Vui
    5Chris Vui
    Manuel Zuliani
    6Manuel Zuliani
    Theo McFarland
    6Theo McFarland
    Michele Lamaro
    7Michele Lamaro (C)
    Jordan Taufua
    7Jordan Taufua
    Lorenzo Cannone
    8Lorenzo Cannone
    Fritz Lee
    8Fritz Lee
    Stephen Varney
    9Stephen Varney
    Ere Enari
    9Ere Enari
    Paolo Garbisi
    10Paolo Garbisi
    Rodney Iona
    10Rodney Iona
    Monty Ioane
    11Monty Ioane
    Nigel Ah Wong
    11Nigel Ah Wong
    Luca Morisi
    12Luca Morisi
    D'Angelo Leuila
    12D'Angelo Leuila
    Juan Ignacio Brex
    13Juan Ignacio Brex
    Ulupano Seuteni
    13Ulupano Seuteni
    Pierre Bruno
    14Pierre Bruno
    Alapati Leiua
    14Alapati Leiua
    Tommaso Allan
    15Tommaso Allan
    Danny Toala
    15Danny Toala
    Gianmarco Lucchesi
    16Gianmarco Lucchesi
    Manu Leiataua
    16Manu Leiataua
    Ivan Nemer
    17Ivan Nemer
    Nephi Leatigaga
    17Nephi Leatigaga
    Pietro Ceccarelli
    18Pietro Ceccarelli
    Jeff Toomaga-Allen
    18Jeff Toomaga-Allen
    Niccolo Cannone
    19Niccolo Cannone
    Taleni Seu
    19Taleni Seu
    Toa Halafihi
    20Toa Halafihi
    Talalelei Gray
    20Talalelei Gray
    Manfredi Albanese
    21Manfredi Albanese
    Jonathan Taumateine
    21Jonathan Taumateine
    Enrico Lucchin
    22Enrico Lucchin
    Duncan Paia'aua
    22Duncan Paia'aua
    Tommaso Menoncello
    23Tommaso Menoncello
    Tomasi Alosio
    23Tomasi Alosio
    Gonzalo Quesada
    Mahonri Schwalger
    80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Taleni Seu bursts through to advance the Samoa attack.
    79Conversion - Missed LeftSamoa go for goal with D'Angelo Leuila taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
    79Try - Individual effortTheo McFarland goes on their own for a try.
    78Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Theo McFarland bursts through to advance the Samoa attack.
    78Try AssistSpellbinding play by Taleni Seu is finished off with a try.
    72Conversion - Missed LeftD'Angelo Leuila curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
    71Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Samoa results in a try for Duncan Paia'aua
    70Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Duncan Paia'aua took full advantage.
    70Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Ulupano Seuteni.
    64Substitution onItaly sub Manfredi Albanese comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offStephen Varney departs for Italy.
    61Substitution onItaly sub Pietro Ceccarelli comes onto the field.
    61Substitution offSimone Ferrari departs for Italy.
    61Substitution onSamoa sub Tomasi Alosio comes onto the field.
    61Substitution offAlapati Leiua departs for Samoa.
    61Conversion - KickedThe Italy supporters go wild as Paolo Garbisi successfully kicks the conversion.
    60Try - From kickThe kick through from Italy has allowed Pierre Bruno to touch down.
    60Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Pierre Bruno goes through the gap.
    57Substitution onTalalelei Gray comes on for Samoa.
    57Substitution offJordan Taufua leaves the field.
    56Clean BreakWhat a run here by Monty Ioane as they get over the gainline!
    55Substitution onManu Leiataua comes on for Samoa.
    55Substitution offSeilala Lam leaves the field.
    55Substitution onNephi Leatigaga comes on for Samoa.
    55Substitution offJordan Lay leaves the field.
    55Substitution onIvan Nemer comes on for Italy.
    55Substitution offDanilo Fischetti leaves the field.
    55Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Paolo Garbisi kicks the conversion.
    54Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by Italy results in a try for Lorenzo Cannone.
    54Clean BreakWhat a run here by Lorenzo Cannone as they get over the gainline!
    54Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Stephen Varney.
    52Substitution onJonathan Taumateine comes on.
    52Substitution offEre Enari comes off.
    52Substitution onJeff Toomaga-Allen comes on.
    52Substitution offMichael Alaalatoa comes off.
    52Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as D'Angelo Leuila kicks the conversion.
    51Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by Samoa results in a try for Ulupano Seuteni.
    51Clean BreakWhat a run here by Ulupano Seuteni as they get over the gainline!
    51Try AssistD'Angelo Leuila sets up the try.
    50Substitution onTommaso Menoncello comes on.
    50Substitution offTommaso Allan comes off.
    50Substitution onEnrico Lucchin comes on.
    50Substitution offLuca Morisi comes off.
    50Substitution onNiccolo Cannone comes on.
    50Substitution offDavid Sisi comes off.
    50Substitution onGianmarco Lucchesi comes on.
    50Substitution offGiacomo Nicotera comes off.
    46Substitution onSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Taleni Seu getting some game time.
    46Substitution offSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Brian Alainu'uese being replaced.
    46Substitution onSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Duncan Paia'aua getting some game time.
    46Substitution offSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Rodney Iona being replaced.
    46Conversion - KickedTommaso Allan adds the two points for Italy.
    44Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Italy leads to a try for Monty Ioane.
    44Clean BreakMonty Ioane makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    44Try AssistSpellbinding play by Paolo Garbisi is finished off with a try.
    40Clean BreakFabulous play by Italy has led to Monty Ioane being able to wriggle through a gap.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40Substitution onItaly make a substitution with Tommaso Allan coming on.
    40Substitution offItaly make a substitution with Tommaso Menoncello coming off.
    40Substitution onItaly sub Toa Halafihi comes onto the field.
    41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    41Conversion - Missed LeftItaly go for goal with Paolo Garbisi taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
    40Try - Passing MoveIncisive passing by Italy is finished off by Monty Ioane, as they goes over for the try.
    40Clean BreakFabulous play by Italy has led to Monty Ioane being able to wriggle through a gap.
    40Try AssistPaolo Garbisi played a key part in that try.
    37Penalty Goal - KickedPaolo Garbisi has kicked a penalty goal.
    36Substitution onItaly sub Tommaso Menoncello comes onto the field.
    40Substitution offManuel Zuliani departs for Italy.
    36Substitution offTommaso Allan departs for Italy.
    35Yellow cardNigel Ah Wong (Samoa) is shown a yellow card
    31Clean BreakTrouble here as Michele Lamaro breaches the defence.
    29Clean BreakTrouble here as Nigel Ah Wong breaches the defence.
    28Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Tommaso Allan kicks the penalty goal.
    24Conversion - KickedTommaso Allan makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    23Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Italy is finished off by Pierre Bruno
    23Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Stephen Varney.
    23Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Tommaso Allan bursts through to advance the Italy attack.
    22Conversion - KickedTommaso Allan makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    21Try - Individual effortJuan Ignacio Brex goes on their own for a try.
    21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Juan Ignacio Brex bursts through to advance the Italy attack.
    21Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Paolo Garbisi.
    16Penalty Goal - Missed RightRodney Iona takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
    10Penalty Goal - KickedTommaso Allan makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
    2Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Nigel Ah Wong goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.