80 | Yellow card | Anna Korovata (Brumbies Women) is shown a yellow card. |
80 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown his whistle to end the game. |
72 | Substitution on | Loanna Lelei comes on for Melbourne Rebels Women. |
72 | Substitution off | Jacqueline Te'o leaves the field. |
72 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Georgia O'Neill has gone wide. |
71 | Try | Shellie Milward scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
69 | Substitution on | Skye Churchill comes on. |
69 | Substitution off | Jess Howard comes off. |
69 | Substitution on | Anna Korovata comes on. |
69 | Substitution off | Peta Cox comes off. |
69 | Substitution on | Izzy Atkinson-Smith comes on. |
69 | Substitution off | Sammi Wood comes off. |
69 | Conversion - Kicked | Sammi Wood converts the try. |
68 | Substitution on | Melbourne Rebels Women decide to make a substitution, with Tulia Pula getting some game time. |
68 | Substitution off | Melbourne Rebels Women decide to make a substitution, with Jayne Kareroa being replaced. |
68 | Try | Talei Wilson scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
65 | Substitution on | Melbourne Rebels Women make a substitution with Rebekah Jones coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | Melbourne Rebels Women make a substitution with Jocelyn Davis coming off. |
61 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Sammi Wood is waved away. |
60 | Try | Tayla Stanford scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
58 | Substitution on | Brumbies Women sub Harriet Elleman comes onto the field. |
58 | Substitution off | Remi Wilton departs for Brumbies Women. |
52 | Substitution on | Brittney-Lee Bedford comes on for Brumbies Women. |
52 | Substitution off | Louise Burrows leaves the field. |
49 | Substitution on | Paula Ioane comes on. |
49 | Substitution off | Janita Kareta comes off. |
49 | Conversion - Missed | Sammi Wood fails to add the extras. |
48 | Try | Louise Burrows scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half is underway. |
40 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams’ head for the dressing rooms. |
38 | Conversion - Missed | Georgia Cormick misses the conversion. |
37 | Try | Ashley Marsters scores a try for Melbourne Rebels Women. |
28 | Conversion - Kicked | Sammi Wood has kicked a conversion. |
27 | Try | Remi Wilton scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
20 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Georgia Cormick kicks the penalty. |
14 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Sammi Wood has kicked a penalty goal. |
10 | Conversion - Missed | Conversion attempt from Sammi Wood has the distance but not the direction. |
9 | Try | Darcy Read scores a try for Brumbies Women. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows his whistle. |