80 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown his whistle to end the game. |
78 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Zahara Temara is off target. |
77 | Try | Alysia Lefau-Fakaosilea scores a try for Queensland Women. |
68 | Substitution on | Queensland Women sub Shannon Mato comes onto the field. |
68 | Substitution off | Kiri Lingman departs for Queensland Women. |
68 | Conversion - Kicked | Zahara Temara makes no mistake with that conversion attempt. |
67 | Try | Samantha Treherne scores a try for Queensland Women. |
65 | Substitution on | Claudia Foster comes on for Western Force Women. |
65 | Substitution off | Zakiya Kareopa leaves the field. |
65 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Lavinia Gould is unsuccessful . |
64 | Try | Samantha Treherne scores a try for Queensland Women. |
62 | Substitution on | Terau Pasene-Grennell comes on. |
62 | Substitution off | Katherine Outred comes off. |
62 | Substitution on | Sophie McClure comes on. |
62 | Substitution off | Taylor Waterson comes off. |
62 | Substitution on | Antoinette Jago comes on. |
62 | Substitution off | Darryl Wickliffe comes off. |
61 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Lavinia Gould has gone wide. |
60 | Try | Alysia Lefau-Fakaosilea scores a try for Queensland Women. |
57 | Substitution on | Queensland Women decide to make a substitution, with Sarah Riordan getting some game time. |
57 | Substitution off | Queensland Women decide to make a substitution, with Nareta Marsters being replaced. |
57 | Substitution on | Queensland Women make a substitution with Ana-Maroa Afuie coming on. |
57 | Substitution off | Queensland Women make a substitution with Asaka Ono coming off. |
56 | Conversion - Missed | The conversion attempt by Tui Cope is waved away. |
55 | Try | Kendra Fell scores a try for Western Force Women. |
50 | Substitution on | Queensland Women sub Zahara Temara comes onto the field. |
50 | Substitution off | Lori Cramer departs for Queensland Women. |
48 | Conversion - Missed | Tui Cope fails to add the extras. |
47 | Try | Darryl Wickliffe scores a try for Western Force Women. |
45 | Substitution on | Hana Ngaha comes on for Queensland Women. |
45 | Substitution off | Liz Patu leaves the field. |
44 | Substitution on | Kristin Fairbairn comes on. |
44 | Substitution off | Alex Bannon comes off. |
42 | Conversion - Kicked | Tui Cope converts the try. |
41 | Try | Trilleen Pomare scores a try for Western Force Women. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half is underway. |
40 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams’ head for the dressing rooms. |
37 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Tui Cope kicks the penalty. |
35 | Yellow card | Lori Cramer (Queensland Women) is shown a yellow card. |
28 | Penalty Goal - Missed | Penalty goal attempt from Tui Cope has the distance but not the direction. |
27 | Conversion - Kicked | Tui Cope has kicked a conversion. |
25 | Try | Taylor Waterson scores a try for Western Force Women. |
13 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Tui Cope has kicked a penalty goal. |
7 | Conversion - Missed | Lavinia Gould misses the conversion. |
5 | Try | Samantha Treherne scores a try for Queensland Women. |
3 | Conversion - Missed | Conversion attempt from Lavinia Gould has the distance but not the direction. |
1 | Try | Alysia Lefau-Fakaosilea scores a try for Queensland Women. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows his whistle. |