SVNS - Perth
Kenya 7s vs Uruguay 7s

Kenya 7s
Uruguay 7s
  • Time Sat, Jan 25, 2025, 4:00 AM
  • Location HBF Park
Kenya 7s
Kenya 7s
Uruguay 7s
Uruguay 7s
  • Odongo5'
  • Amaitsa3'
  • Wekesa0'
  • Etcheverry13'
  • Omondi6'
  • Omondi1'
    Kenya 7s
    Kenya 7s
    Uruguay 7s
    Uruguay 7s
    8Defenders Beaten7
    3Clean Breaks1
    6Turnovers Conceded9
    7Missed Tackles8
    7Turnovers Won4
    3Kicks in Play0
    N/APenalty GoalsN/A
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down0
    76Kick From Hand Metres0
    1In Touch0
    0Opponent Collection0
    1Possession Lost0
    2Possession Retained0
    17Rucks Won6
    3Rucks Lost3
    85%Rucks Success Rate66%
    0Mauls Won0
    Set Plays
    2Lineouts Won0
    0Lineouts Lost0
    100%Lineouts Success Rate0%
    2Scrums Won4
    1Scrums Lost0
    66%Scrums Success Rate100%
    71%First Half28%
    45%Second Half55%
    45%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins55%
    1Penalties Conceded4
    0Red Cards0
    1Yellow Cards1
    1Penalty Conceded Own Half3
    Kenya 7s
    Kenya 7s
    Uruguay 7s
    Uruguay 7s
    William Mwanji
    1William Mwanji
    Valentin Vargas
    1Valentin Vargas
    Kevin Wekesa
    2Kevin Wekesa
    Pedro Hoblog
    2Pedro Hoblog
    Samuel Asati
    3Samuel Asati
    Ignacio Alvarez
    3Ignacio Alvarez
    Nygel Amaitsa
    4Nygel Amaitsa
    Diego Ardao
    4Diego Ardao
    Dennis Abukuse
    5Dennis Abukuse
    Juan Manuel Tafernaberry
    5Juan Manuel Tafernaberry
    Floyd Wabwire
    6Floyd Wabwire
    Martin Castro
    6Martin Castro
    George Ooro Angeyo
    7George Ooro Angeyo
    Ignacio Facciolo
    7Ignacio Facciolo
    Festus Shiasi
    8Festus Shiasi
    Pedro Brum
    8Pedro Brum
    Patrick Odongo
    9Patrick Odongo
    Tomas Etcheverry
    9Tomas Etcheverry
    Vincent Onyala
    10Vincent Onyala
    Dante Soto
    10Dante Soto
    Tony Omondi
    11Tony Omondi
    Alfonso Vidal
    11Alfonso Vidal
    Benson Salem Adoyo
    12Benson Salem Adoyo
    Ignacio Rodriguez
    12Ignacio Rodriguez
    Brian Tanga
    13Brian Tanga
    Alfonso Chahnazaroff
    13Alfonso Chahnazaroff
    Kevin Wambua
    Gabriel Puig
    15End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    14Conversion - Missed RightIgnacio Alvarez has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
    13Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Uruguay 7s results in a try for Tomas Etcheverry
    13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Tomas Etcheverry took full advantage.
    13Try AssistSpellbinding play by Ignacio Facciolo is finished off with a try.
    10Yellow cardDennis Abukuse (Kenya 7s) is shown a yellow card
    7Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    7End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    6Conversion - KickedTony Omondi has kicked a conversion.
    5Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Patrick Odongo
    5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Patrick Odongo goes through the gap.
    3Conversion - Missed RightTony Omondi has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
    3Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Kenya 7s leads to a try for Nygel Amaitsa
    3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Nygel Amaitsa goes through the gap.
    3Try AssistTony Omondi sets up the try.
    2Yellow cardAlfonso Vidal (Uruguay 7s) is shown a yellow card
    1Conversion - KickedTony Omondi has kicked a conversion.
    0Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Kenya 7s leads to a try for Kevin Wekesa
    0Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Kevin Wekesa goes through the gap.
    0Try AssistDennis Abukuse sets up the try.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.