Player pay deal talks to continue after Saturday meeting

Sat, Apr 11, 2020, 7:23 AM
Beth Newman
by Beth Newman
RUPA and Rugby Australia are still in talks. Photo: Getty Images
RUPA and Rugby Australia are still in talks. Photo: Getty Images

Rugby Australia and RUPA are still yet to agree on a player pay deal after a critical meeting on Saturday.

The two parties met for upwards of three hours on Saturday as they attempted to bridge the gap in their positions on what a fair deal would be for at least the next three months.

Rugby Australia has reportedly requested that the playing group take a 65 per cent pay cut for at least the next three months, and CEO Raelene Castle followed that up by announcing her own salary would be cut by 65 per cent for the next six months.

Saturday's meeting did not produce a finalised result but the parties are expected to continue discussions over the remainder of the Easter weekend, though a formal meeting has not been set down.

In a statement released on Saturday evening, Rugby Australia said "progress was made" in talks.

"Rugby Australia continued negotiations today with RUPA to reach an interim pay deal," the statement read.

"While an agreement has not yet been reached, Rugby Australia believes that progress was made and that both parties will continue negotiations in good faith for the good of the game.

"The meeting was finalised early this afternoon and both parties have gone away to consider their position in anticipation of talks continuing over the Easter weekend. 

"Rugby Australia is doing everything it can to enable an outcome that will provide short-term financial certainty and enable the game to emerge from this global health and economic crisis and continue to serve the 900-plus rugby clubs in communities across the country."

RUPA opted against making a public comment after Saturday's meeting.

The players organisation is yet to make any public comment after receiving detailed financial financial information it had requested from Rugby Australia a week ago, a development that kickstarted negotiations.
