Super Rugby Pacific
Fijian Drua vs NSW Waratahs

Fijian Drua
NSW Waratahs
  • Time Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 1:05 AM
  • Location Churchill Park
  • Referee James Doleman
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
NSW Waratahs
NSW Waratahs
  • Ikanivere49'
  • Masi33'
  • Masi28'
  • Lomani18'
  • Masi13'
  • Swinton67'
  • Vailanu62'
  • Walton56'
  • Gamble45'
  • Vailanu3'
  • Armstrong-Ravula49'
  • Armstrong-Ravula29'
  • Armstrong-Ravula20'
  • Armstrong-Ravula14'
  • Edmed68'
  • Edmed57'
  • Edmed46'
  • Edmed4'
  • Armstrong-Ravula59'
Penalty Goals
  • Edmed8'
  • Valetini87'
Field Goals
    Fijian Drua
    Fijian Drua
    NSW Waratahs
    NSW Waratahs
    19Defenders Beaten14
    8Clean Breaks7
    14Turnovers Conceded10
    14Missed Tackles19
    3Turnovers Won5
    19Kicks in Play15
    1/3Penalty Goals1/1
    1/1Drop Goals0/1
    1Charged Down1
    551Kick From Hand Metres483
    15In Touch17
    5Opponent Collection7
    18Possession Lost24
    3Possession Retained2
    72Rucks Won93
    2Rucks Lost1
    97%Rucks Success Rate98%
    3Mauls Won7
    Set Plays
    7Lineouts Won16
    3Lineouts Lost6
    70%Lineouts Success Rate72%
    7Scrums Won5
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    59%First Half41%
    38%Second Half62%
    59%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins41%
    14Penalties Conceded10
    0Red Cards0
    2Yellow Cards1
    10Penalty Conceded Own Half8
    Fijian Drua
    Fijian Drua
    NSW Waratahs
    NSW Waratahs
    Haereiti Hetet
    1Haereiti Hetet
    Angus Bell
    1Angus Bell
    Tevita Ikanivere
    2Tevita Ikanivere
    Mahe Vailanu
    2Mahe Vailanu
    Mesake Doge
    3Mesake Doge
    Harry Johnson-Holmes
    3Harry Johnson-Holmes
    Mesake Vocevoce
    4Mesake Vocevoce
    Jed Holloway
    4Jed Holloway
    Ratu Rotuisolia
    5Ratu Rotuisolia
    Fergus Lee-Warner
    5Fergus Lee-Warner
    Etonia Waqa
    6Etonia Waqa
    Ned Hanigan
    6Ned Hanigan
    Vilive Miramira
    7Vilive Miramira
    Charlie Gamble
    7Charlie Gamble
    Meli Derenalagi
    8Meli Derenalagi (C)
    Langi Gleeson
    8Langi Gleeson
    Frank Lomani
    9Frank Lomani
    Jake Gordon
    9Jake Gordon (C)
    Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
    10Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
    Tane Edmed
    10Tane Edmed
    Taniela Rakuro
    11Taniela Rakuro
    Dylan Pietsch
    11Dylan Pietsch
    Apisalome Vota
    12Apisalome Vota
    Joey Walton
    12Joey Walton
    Iosefo Masi
    13Iosefo Masi
    Izaia Perese
    13Izaia Perese
    Selestino Ravutaumada
    14Selestino Ravutaumada
    Mark Nawaqanitawase
    14Mark Nawaqanitawase
    Ilaisa Droasese
    15Ilaisa Droasese
    Max Jorgensen
    15Max Jorgensen
    Zuriel Togiatama
    16Zuriel Togiatama
    Julian Heaven
    16Julian Heaven
    Emosi Tuqiri
    17Emosi Tuqiri
    Hayden Thompson-Stringer
    17Hayden Thompson-Stringer
    Samuela Tawake
    18Samuela Tawake
    Tom Ross
    18Tom Ross
    Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta
    19Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta
    Miles Amatosero
    19Miles Amatosero
    Kitione Salawa
    20Kitione Salawa
    Hugh Sinclair
    20Hugh Sinclair
    Peni Matawalu
    21Peni Matawalu
    Lachlan Swinton
    21Lachlan Swinton
    Kemu Valetini
    22Kemu Valetini
    Jack Grant
    22Jack Grant
    Epeli Momo
    23Epeli Momo
    Triston Reilly
    23Triston Reilly
    Glen Jackson
    Dan McKellar
    87Drop Goal - KickedThe Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Kemu Valetini successfully kicks the %a%.
    84Drop Goal - Hit Right PostFortune does not favour the brave in this case, as Tane Edmed hits the right upright with their drop goal attempt.
    83Clean BreakTrouble here as Julian Heaven breaches the defence.
    80Yellow cardPeni Matawalu (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card
    80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
    71Penalty Goal - Missed RightIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
    68Conversion - KickedThe NSW Waratahs supporters go wild as Tane Edmed successfully kicks the conversion.
    67Try - Close rangeLachlan Swinton scores the try from close range.
    67Try AssistJake Gordon sets up the try.
    66Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Zuriel Togiatama coming on.
    66Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Tevita Ikanivere coming off.
    66Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Epeli Momo coming on.
    66Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Taniela Rakuro coming off.
    66Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Emosi Tuqiri coming on.
    66Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Haereiti Hetet coming off.
    66Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Max Jorgensen goes through the gap.
    64Substitution onNSW Waratahs sub Julian Heaven comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offMahe Vailanu departs for NSW Waratahs.
    63Conversion - Missed RightTane Edmed curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
    62Try - Rolling maulThe NSW Waratahs pack has powered over for Mahe Vailanu to score the try.
    60Yellow cardKitione Salawa (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card
    59Substitution onPeni Matawalu comes on for Fijian Drua.
    59Substitution offFrank Lomani leaves the field.
    59Penalty Goal - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula adds the points for Fijian Drua.
    57Substitution onSamuela Tawake comes on for Fijian Drua.
    57Substitution offMesake Doge leaves the field.
    57Substitution onHayden Thompson-Stringer comes on for NSW Waratahs.
    57Substitution offAngus Bell leaves the field.
    57Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Tane Edmed kicks the conversion.
    56Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by NSW Waratahs results in a try for Joey Walton.
    56Clean BreakWhat a run here by Joey Walton as they get over the gainline!
    56Try AssistMahe Vailanu played a key part in that try.
    55Substitution onTriston Reilly comes on for NSW Waratahs.
    55Substitution offIzaia Perese leaves the field.
    55Substitution onKemu Valetini comes on for Fijian Drua.
    55Substitution offApisalome Vota leaves the field.
    50Substitution onHugh Sinclair comes on.
    50Substitution offFergus Lee-Warner comes off.
    50Substitution onMiles Amatosero comes on.
    50Substitution offJed Holloway comes off.
    50Substitution onTom Ross comes on.
    50Substitution offHarry Johnson-Holmes comes off.
    50Substitution onLachlan Swinton comes on.
    50Substitution offLangi Gleeson comes off.
    50Substitution onTe Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta comes on.
    50Substitution offMeli Derenalagi comes off.
    49Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula adds the two points for Fijian Drua.
    49Try - Close rangeThe defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Tevita Ikanivere dots the ball down from close range.
    49Try AssistFrank Lomani sets up the try.
    46Conversion - KickedTane Edmed adds the two points for NSW Waratahs.
    45Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by NSW Waratahs leads to a try for Charlie Gamble.
    45Try AssistSpellbinding play by Izaia Perese is finished off with a try.
    45Clean BreakIzaia Perese makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    40Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Kitione Salawa coming on.
    40Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Vilive Miramira coming off.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    40Penalty Goal - Missed RightIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
    38Yellow cardMark Nawaqanitawase (NSW Waratahs) is shown a yellow card
    34Conversion - Hit Left PostThe left post denies Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula from adding the extras.
    33Try - Close rangeThe pressure has finally told as Iosefo Masi scores from close range.
    32Clean BreakTrouble here as Iosefo Masi breaches the defence.
    32Try AssistFrank Lomani sets up the try.
    31Clean BreakTrouble here as Ilaisa Droasese breaches the defence.
    29Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    28Try - Passing MoveSilky skills by Fijian Drua ends with a try for Iosefo Masi.
    28Try AssistSpellbinding play by Apisalome Vota is finished off with a try.
    28Clean BreakTrouble here as Apisalome Vota breaches the defence.
    22Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Ned Hanigan bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack.
    21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
    20Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    18Try - Close rangeFijian Drua are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Frank Lomani picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
    18Try AssistTevita Ikanivere sets up the try.
    14Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula converts the try.
    13Try - Individual effortA bit of individual brilliance by Iosefo Masi leads to a try for Fijian Drua
    13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Iosefo Masi took full advantage.
    13Try AssistSpellbinding play by Frank Lomani is finished off with a try.
    8Penalty Goal - KickedTane Edmed kicks the penalty.
    6Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Taniela Rakuro goes through the gap.
    4Conversion - KickedTane Edmed has kicked a conversion.
    3Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by NSW Waratahs leads to a try for Mahe Vailanu
    3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Mahe Vailanu goes through the gap.
    3Try AssistCharlie Gamble sets up the try.
    2Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Dylan Pietsch goes through the gap.
    0Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Taniela Rakuro goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.