79 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game. |
74 | Conversion - Kicked | Declan Meredith has kicked a conversion. |
73 | Try - Close range | Luke Reimer scores the try from close range. |
71 | Substitution on | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Samu Tawake getting some game time. |
71 | Substitution off | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Meli Tuni being replaced. |
70 | Substitution on | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Mesulame Dolokoto getting some game time. |
70 | Substitution off | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Tevita Ikanivere being replaced. |
69 | Substitution on | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Judah Qoro Saumaisue coming on. |
69 | Substitution off | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Tuaina Taii Tualima coming off. |
68 | Conversion - Missed Left | Declan Meredith curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left. |
67 | Try - Close range | Luke Reimer scores the try from close range. |
67 | Substitution on | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Declan Meredith coming on. |
67 | Substitution off | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Noah Lolesio coming off. |
61 | Substitution on | Fijian Drua sub Peni Matawalu comes onto the field. |
61 | Substitution off | Iosefo Masi departs for Fijian Drua. |
61 | Substitution on | ACT Brumbies sub Kadin Pritchard comes onto the field. |
61 | Substitution off | Austin Anderson departs for ACT Brumbies. |
61 | Conversion - Kicked | The Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Caleb Muntz successfully kicks the conversion. |
60 | Try - Individual effort | A stunning solo try from Vuate Karawalevu |
60 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Vuate Karawalevu goes through the gap. |
60 | Substitution on | Fijian Drua sub Isoa Tuwai comes onto the field. |
60 | Substitution off | Vilive Miramira departs for Fijian Drua. |
57 | Substitution on | Luke Reimer comes on for ACT Brumbies. |
57 | Substitution off | Judah Qoro Saumaisue leaves the field. |
55 | Conversion - Hit Left Post | Caleb Muntz hits the left post with the conversion, failing to add the two points. |
54 | Try - Passing Move | A penetrating move by Fijian Drua results in a try for Vuate Karawalevu. |
54 | Try Assist | That's a great try assist by Frank Lomani. |
54 | Clean Break | What a run here by Elia Canakaivata as they get over the gainline! |
52 | Substitution on | Cadeyrn Neville comes on. |
52 | Substitution off | Lachlan Shaw comes off. |
51 | Substitution on | Lachlan Lonergan comes on. |
51 | Substitution off | Billy Pollard comes off. |
51 | Substitution on | Lington Ieli comes on. |
51 | Substitution off | Blake Schoupp comes off. |
50 | Substitution on | Livai Natave comes on. |
50 | Substitution off | Haereiti Hetet comes off. |
50 | Substitution on | Harrison Goddard comes on. |
50 | Substitution off | Ryan Lonergan comes off. |
50 | Substitution on | Tuidraki Samusamuvodre comes on. |
50 | Substitution off | Kemu Valetini comes off. |
50 | Substitution on | Frank Lomani comes on. |
50 | Substitution off | Simione Kuruvoli comes off. |
50 | Conversion - Kicked | The touch judges raise their flags as Noah Lolesio kicks the conversion. |
49 | Try - Close range | The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Rhys Van Nek dots the ball down from close range. |
46 | Substitution on | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Vilive Miramira getting some game time. |
46 | Substitution off | Fijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Ratu Rotuisolia being replaced. |
46 | Substitution on | ACT Brumbies decide to make a substitution, with Judah Qoro Saumaisue getting some game time. |
46 | Substitution off | ACT Brumbies decide to make a substitution, with Luke Reimer being replaced. |
40 | Substitution on | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Rhys Van Nek coming on. |
40 | Substitution off | ACT Brumbies make a substitution with Feao Fotuaika coming off. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half kicks off. |
41 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms. |
38 | Conversion - Kicked | Caleb Muntz does the business as their conversion attempt goes over. |
37 | Try - Passing Move | Incisive passing by Fijian Drua is finished off by Ponipate Loganimasi, as they goes over for the try. |
37 | Try Assist | That's a great try assist by Iosefo Masi. |
37 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by Fijian Drua has led to Iosefo Masi being able to wriggle through a gap. |
34 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by Fijian Drua has led to Ponipate Loganimasi being able to wriggle through a gap. |
34 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by ACT Brumbies has led to Ollie Sapsford being able to wriggle through a gap. |
33 | Substitution on | Meli Tuni comes on for Fijian Drua. |
33 | Substitution off | Samu Tawake leaves the field. |
33 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | The Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Caleb Muntz successfully kicks the penalty goal. |
29 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | The touch judges raise their flags as Caleb Muntz kicks the penalty goal. |
26 | Conversion - Missed Left | Noah Lolesio curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left. |
25 | Try - Individual effort | Brilliant skill shown there by Ryan Lonergan as they go over the white wash for a try. |
25 | Clean Break | Trouble here as Ryan Lonergan breaches the defence. |
25 | Try Assist | Tuaina Taii Tualima played a key part in that try. |
23 | Yellow card | Vuate Karawalevu (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card |
21 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Hudson Creighton bursts through to advance the ACT Brumbies attack. |
20 | Conversion - Missed Left | Noah Lolesio curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left. |
19 | Try - Passing Move | A wonderful passing move by ACT Brumbies is finished off by Ollie Sapsford |
19 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Ollie Sapsford bursts through to advance the ACT Brumbies attack. |
19 | Try Assist | Corey Toole sets up the try. |
18 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Corey Toole bursts through to advance the ACT Brumbies attack. |
18 | Yellow card | Isikeli Rabitu (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card |
16 | Conversion - Kicked | Caleb Muntz converts the try. |
15 | Try - Passing Move | A series of passes by Fijian Drua results in a try for Simione Kuruvoli |
15 | Try Assist | Spellbinding play by Tevita Ikanivere is finished off with a try. |
15 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Tevita Ikanivere took full advantage. |
4 | Conversion - Kicked | Noah Lolesio has kicked a conversion. |
3 | Try - Rolling maul | The ACT Brumbies pack has powered over for Billy Pollard to score the try. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows their whistle. |